The Balancing Act

A few weeks ago I inaugurated my new juicer. Finding a balance between health benefits and flavor has been a bit of a challenge -specially while trying to please my husband. After some experimenting, I feel comfortable about starting to share my most successful combos, the ones that passed my hubby's test with flying colors!

Combo 1

•1 big carrot (or 2 medium/small ones)
•1 small red beet (or half of a big one)
•1 small dice of fresh ginger (peeled)
•1 orange (peeled)

•wash veggies under warm water (more effective than cold water in removing chemicals when the produce is not organic); better still, if not organic, remove skin all together
•cut the produce if needed and insert them in your juicer

This makes 2 small glasses or 1 bigger glass of fresh juice. The taste is amazing and what it does to your body, just priceless.

Real Men Eat Quiche

A friend and good cook Caroline, whom has been experimenting with paleo recipes herself, recently posted a pie 'with' paleo crust. This reminded me I hadn't tried to make a paleo pie crust myself for a while... So I got to it and made one of my all time favorites.

What you need

•oven proof pie pan 27 cm diameter
•steaming basket


•600 g broccoli 
•1 big onion (or two small ones), chopped 
•250 g of brown button mushrooms, sliced
•1/2 tbsp of herbes de Provence
•25g dried porcini mushrooms
•1 tsp of virgin olive oil
Himalayan pink rock salt 
•30 g pine nuts, toasted
•150 g almond meal
•1 tsp coconut oil 
•7 eggs

What to do
•fry the onions and the brown button mushrooms in a saucepan with 1 tbsp of olive oil, some salt, pepper and herbes de Provence at medium heat till soft
•wash, part and steam the broccoli
•bring some water to the boil and soak the Porcini mushrooms for 15 min. Then drain, let it cool and chop
•mash the broccoli, but leave it chunky
•combine broccoli, pine nuts, onions and mushrooms in a bowl and add some additional salt if needed; 
•pre-heat the oven to 190C
•grease the pie pan with coconut oil
•in a bowl combine almond meal, one egg plus one egg white and mix till it becomes a nice whole
•now grease your hands (to prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers) and cover the pie dish with the almond meal dough, flattening it with the palm of your hand and fingers
•poke some wholes with a fork into the dough and place it in the oven for approx. 15 min or till it is golden brown
•add 5 eggs and the left over yolk to the broccoli mixture (make sure it has cooled down);
•when the pie crust is ready and comes out of the oven, pour the broccoli mixture into it and return to the oven
•bake for approx. another 30 min.
•let it cool down for approx. 10 min and then slice

The Thing About Juicers

Until recently, I didn't even look at juicers. I eat so much raw vegetables and fruit as it is, that I never felt the need to juice anything. I just had the whole thing!
A few weeks ago my friend Lotty made a glass of juice for me with red beets, some carrot and an apple. I just hate red beets. But since it is so incredibly healthy, I have tried preparing them in many ways in the past. But, no luck. My mom forced me to eat it so many times when I was little, that I think I developed red beet trauma!
The glass of (mainly) red beet she prepared in a matter of seconds was amazing! So, for the sake of red beet, I decided I was going to get a juicer! I engaged on thorough research. I talked to people that have juicers and have been using it for years; I read whatever I could find on internet and magazines on juicers, and I even watched You Tube videos.
I came to the following conclusion: picking the right juicer can be a time consuming task!
First thing you should ask yourself is what you really want. Because smoothies and juices for most people can be worlds apart. But not for everybody....
See for me, I am O.K. with a smoothie, if we are talking fruit. But a vegetable smoothie? Iu! No way José. That is where the juicer comes in. Drinking juice extracted from a vegetable, is a total different ball game!
The bottom line is: you want juice? You need a juicer. You can settle for a smoothie? Then just use your blender.

Masticating vs Centrifugal Juicer

Juicers are produced with two kinds of machines. Some juicers extract the juice by masticating the pulp. 
These kind of juicers are usually slower but they are better at juicing a wider variety of vegetables, fruit and in most cases, wheat grass and nuts.  The squeezing, pressing and extracting is done in a more efficient manner than with the centrifugal juicer. The machine does not heat up as much as a centrifugal juicer does, and so the nutritional benefit of the juice is said to be slightly higher than that of a centrifugal juicer.
If you are not planning to store the juice (I recommend you don't) but rather are going to consume it immediately, then everything I read indicates that the nutritional advantage of a masticating juicer is really irrelevant.
Masticating juicers (more expensive) are more quiet than centrifugal ones, but will maximize the amount of juice you get, leaving with little waste

Most people (90%) own a centrifugal juicer: it is fast, affordable and compact. Get one with a wide shoot! It will save you chopping time!
Make a choice of brand and model depending on what is available in your country. One of the things that was very important to me was it had to fit on my counter top. If you have to store it in your garage or pantry, it is very likely you will not use it as much as you had hoped.
I am very happy with my Philips HR 1858 (and it is only 650W). It wasn't too expensive, I have a spot for it at hand reach and it is remarkably efficient. Taking the machine apart and cleaning it is uncomplicated.
Here are a few pictures that show how much waste it produced after juicing 1 medium carrot + 1 medium red beet + 1 orange + slice of fresh ginger enough for 1 big glass (or 2 smaller glasses) of juice. It was about a fist full.
And if you are asking yourself why I peeled the orange (but not the beet and the carrot), it is because the orange was not organic and like most oranges out there, the skin had been painted to make it look 'more appealing' to the eye...

To me, a 'juicer newbie', it is not yet self-evident which vegetables and fruits to combine to get the best flavor and nutrient blend. There are a lot of interesting websites out there to help you along. I will be adding on to this initial list of favorites...

The Juice Master

A video you might want to watch:

Top 3 best juicers